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Dancing Sands Gin 750ml
Dry: A carefully selected combination of local and traditional botanicals are vapour distilled in our copper pot still, preserving their delicate flavours. A contemporary dry gin, given a distinctive Golden Bay twist with verdant manuka leaves.
Sunkissed: Strawberries and rhubarb are infused with the Dry Gin as a nod to summer nostalgia. Sweetness is balanced by peppery spice, with a burst of red berries and slightly tart rhubarb accompanied by juniper, gentle nuttiness and fragrant cardamom
Sauvignon Blanc: A combination of two Kiwi icons: Sauvignon Blanc and Dancing Sands Dry Gin. State-of-the-art vacuum distillation means we are able to retain the complex flavours of the wine, while adding botanical sophistication from our Dry Gin.
The end result is a full-bodied and fruity gin that brings you bursting passionfruit, gooseberry, lime, and green apple – all the tropical flavours you know and love from a New Zealand Sav Blanc, but with added punch and pizazz.
Sunkissed: Strawberries and rhubarb are infused with the Dry Gin as a nod to summer nostalgia. Sweetness is balanced by peppery spice, with a burst of red berries and slightly tart rhubarb accompanied by juniper, gentle nuttiness and fragrant cardamom
Sauvignon Blanc: A combination of two Kiwi icons: Sauvignon Blanc and Dancing Sands Dry Gin. State-of-the-art vacuum distillation means we are able to retain the complex flavours of the wine, while adding botanical sophistication from our Dry Gin.
The end result is a full-bodied and fruity gin that brings you bursting passionfruit, gooseberry, lime, and green apple – all the tropical flavours you know and love from a New Zealand Sav Blanc, but with added punch and pizazz.
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